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intr :6187 | Crum: 335b | ||||||||
c ⲉ- | bless6188 | ||||||||
(sA) ⲥⲙⲁⲙⲉ | 1795 | ||||||||
ⲥⲙⲁⲙⲁⲁⲧ &c | blessed [ευλογητοσ]1796 | ||||||||
(S, sA, B, F)
(sA) ⲥⲙⲁⲙⲉ |
(noun male)
blessing, praise [ευλογια, αινεσισ] as gift, benevolence, often blessed by saint, cleric as abundance, treasure as adj, with θυσια 1797 |
(B) ⲁⲧⲥ. | without blessing1798 | Crum: 336a | |||||||
(S, B) ϯ ⲥ. | give blessing, sacrament1799 | ||||||||
c ⲛ- {dat} | 6189 | ||||||||
(S, A, B, F) ϫⲓ ⲥ., ϭⲓ ⲥ. | take blessing, hence salute a superior1800 | ||||||||
(B) ϫⲓⲛⲥ. | act of blessing [το αινειν]1801 | Crum: 336b |